Why Medwisdom Chemicals

In the last two decades, several other industries have adopted digitization and witnessed high growth of sales and revenue. The chemical supply and procurement industry has not witnessed any disruptive change in the last two decades. The processes involved in buying and selling of chemicals are long-drawn and time consuming.

We, at Medwisdom, have set out to digitize the whole process – from the buyer raising a request for acquiring chemicals to the seller furnishing the goods a few weeks later.

Medwisdom is the first B2B marketplace which supports both Chemical industry and Academia to strengthen research & innovation.

We strongly believe that Chemical industry needs a service that would help buyers of chemicals procure products from multiple sellers without much hassle. Our team understands the problem at hand and wants to offer a unique experience to customers - something will enable all the parties in the industry (buyers and sellers) digitize their sourcing process.

Medwisdom– a digital revolution in the industry of buying and selling chemicals.

Medwisdom’s goal is to create a channel for buyers where they have access to multiple sellers under one roof and have the power to select the option that works best. Buyers can rest assured about the purity of the chemicals while comparing prices offered by various vendors. Medwisdom lists chemicals that sellers already have in stock, thereby doing away with the whole waiting period where the buyer has to anxiously wait for two to three weeks for the seller to procure the requirement. Digital payments reduce the time needed to procure a certain chemical and we deliver to your doorstep, saving you from worrying about the shipping.

Medwisdom works wonders for sellers as well by being a true sourcing partner for Small Quantity Chemicals and Bulk Quantity Chemicals. With guarantees for purity, sellers would be able to reach out to a global network on a platform that is trusted by both buyers and sellers. As a seller, you would have access to a larger market and receive customer feedback to help improve your services. Since the buying cycle is shortened, sellers can increase the volume of their business and profits!

Medwisdom believes in continuous research and development to further strengthen the industry. To this effect, it encourages industries to offer free chemicals they no longer need to institutions for research. While helping the industry move forward, this will give academicians and students a chance to collaborate with industry professionals and form a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship where the industry benefits from academia and academia benefits from the knowledge of industry stalwarts.


  1. To become the world’s largest B2B online marketplace for the chemical industry.


  1. Make buying and selling chemicals easy.

  2. Strengthen the relationship between academia and industry for research & innovation.


  1. Provide transparent pricing for buyers to take quick and effective decisions.

  2. Treat all customers as equals regardless of their size.

  3. Create an ecosystem where all buyers, sellers, academia and scientists have an opportunity to prosper.

  4. Create employment opportunities in the community.